Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Help. My template is screwed up. I can't get the title of my blog to appear. Something wrong with the formatting. Anyone know what I can do?

Well, I haven't been posting much in a while. I'd like to let you know that it's partly/mostly cos I have no stable Internet access at home..and while I'm online, I'm usually more busy trying to somehow access my mail or reconnect the wireless LAN connection. Apart from that, I've also lost a super long post just cos of the stupid on-off, on-off connection. Cos you see, when you accidentally press forward or back or click on post when you're not connected, you'll just lose all the stuff...all gone in the blink of the eye. I was so pissed that I just gave up trying to update!

Other than the technical difficulties, I've been pretty busy these days. Well, technically I'm supposed to be doing homework, but somehow time has just flown by without me doing anything at all. I'll have to start eventually, but for people that I have already talked to...they know it's not the first time that I've said this. I don't know how on earth I spend my time. It just whizzes past. I've started going on walks with my mum on alternate days. But erm, it's only been one week. Maybe I've been watching too much TV, or trying to get my com to connect to the Internet. Maybe I've wasted time clearing my room. Or maybe just daydreaming. Or reading Harry Potter. Or helping people out with stuff. Or watching Wan Quan Yu Le. Etc.

But so far, apart from the looming consequences of not doing my homework, I've had a great time here. Met Audrey, whom I haven't seen in a year. Hung out with her and Rach and Ruth yesterday. So fun! Hope we can meet up more often. Haven't actually met up with lots of people. But to me, it's not a major deal. I miss people I haven't seen in ages, but I understand that they are busy, now that school has started.

Actually, I made many plans about how I was gonna spend these hols...but none of them have really materialised. It's a pity. Like how I planned to diligently do my homework and go swimming every day and spend time with my grandmother and auntie...none have actually materialised to a sufficient degree. Well, looks like I'll have to work harder in the next 4 weeks. Yes, that's all the time I have left in Singapore. Sigh. Hopefully the next time I post, I'll have better news!


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