Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Thursday, March 20, 2003

x. food = erm...bananas!
x. song = no way...can't name one...Bitch by Meredith Brooks maybe
x. thing to do = work!!! actually
x. thing to talk about = happy things...I hate negative gloomy talk
x. sports = tennis, swimming
x. sports to watch = soccer, tennis...everything except boxing
x. drinks = water and coke light
x. clothes = cannot name a favourite. I have too many clothes!
x. movies = Infernal Affairs and About A Boy...I have a lot I dun like though
x. holiday = Christmas!
x. color = PURPLE!!!! and pink too
x. scent = for now: Escada Sentiment
x. band = dun have any
x. local band = do such things exist?
x. feeling = happy!!
x. tv show = Wan Quan Yu Le..ER, Friends, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Die Quiz Show

this or that...
.1. black or white? black.
2. inside or outside? outside
.3. up or down? UUUPPPP!
.4. sitting or standing? standing
.5. rain or sun? SUNNY SUNSHINE!!!
.6. winter or summer? SUMMER! I cannot take Winter cold any more...brr!
.7. fast or slow? fast.
8. hot or cold? cold what?
.9. soft or hard? soft.


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