Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Monday, November 15, 2004

As usual, it has taken a couple of days before I finally sat down to write another entry. I remember when I used to blog nearly every day...when I was doing that internship at Siemens...nothing better to do most of the time. Not that I'm doing much now...I'm simply finding alternative ways to waste time instead of being productive.

I just wrote an email to my prof to tell him that I'm dropping out of one of his seminars. I'm only taking 9 this sem, but somehow I find myself unable to c0pe. Maybe I need a relaxed semester before I piah all the way in summer. I'm definitely more efficient in the summer, with more hours of daylight. Besides, I have to catch up on the homework for last semester that I didn't do.

Oops, have to call a lecturer now...continue another time!


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