Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Friday, February 25, 2005

I don't wanna keep writing depressive posts. But I just can't shake off the indifference I'm facing. If there's anything I hate, it's indifference. Cos I don't know where I stand. I don't know what to feel. I think I'm an idiot. I should get on with life. I should stop expecting so much.

I got the internship offer from EDB. Yay! I'll accept it soon. Just have to work out my timetable for next semester. Sigh. Then I'll call them on Monday. I don't think they work on weekends.

I also learnt how to make my grandma's chicken curry today. It tastes great! But it's A LOT of work. Sigh. It was fun took 3 of us nearly 2 hours to cook...and only 30 mins to finish it all up. Haha.

Don't feel like writing anymore..except that I miss Han already! :(


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