Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Monday, December 15, 2003

second time online today...feel like an idler...why is it that I've spent the whole day so unproductively?? I hate myself for it. THough I do like slacking, I always feel guilty about it...and these 2-3 months have felt like a prolonged slack. I am so gonna pon Lit tmr. Do not wanna hear anymore about Salman Rushdie. One of my Lit lecturer's faves. Ugh. I wanna go to the Vodafone shop and ask if I can get another handphone for my partner card. Ruth needs it. They fed her some crap about not being able to use contract cards in prepaid phones. Oh? Really...well, it's a very unfair world. So I'll have to pop by tmr to check if I can get another phone. Perfect excuse to pon lit. Also, whenever I have something to ask, I can never wait long. I'm a silly, impatient old girl and if something can be done now, I won't be one to procrastinate...well, with exception of exercise and studying. I bet I'll be tortured, tormented by these thoughts for the whole night, till I can get to the Vodafone shop tomorrow morning. I have no idea when they open, but 10am should be safe enough. I hope I can get a phone for Ruth...if not I'll lend her my older phone for the 2 months till she gets back to Singapore and buys a new one...or send one of my family's old phones over...but I should hate to see 5 Euros a month wasted cos of a lack of a phone.


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