Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Okay, 2 days later, the internet is still functioning okay...I'm eternally grateful!

So yes, I have forced myself to stay buried in homework for the whole of Saturday, excepting the phone call I made to Ruth (what kinda funny English is that?) So now I just have like 40-50 pages of Gesprächsanalyse to read and some other stuff to photocopy, which I can only do tomorrow anyway, since the library's not open on Sundays. But I'm so happy that most of the crap is out of the way already. Although of course the reading is the most difficult and annoying one. But I'll get through it somehow...even if it means just reading all the heading and subheadings...better than nothing right?

It was so fun talking to Ruth yesterday! It's like finally, a chance to speak to someone who doesn't think I speak too fast or too unclearly (okay, maybe I do, but Ruth is more tolerant that other people). Trying to decide what to order from the catalogue was fun...and of course commenting on which clothes are nice was fun too! There's something about catalogue shopping or pretend catalogue shopping that's fun. But I don't see the need for it in Singapore, when we have so many shops around and so nearby as well.

Ooh, it's raining outside. I'm so happy when it rains nowadays, cos it's getting warmer and warmer here! It feels like I am in Singapore. I walked around in a short-sleeved shirt on jacket! Well, I had a jacket, but it was way too hot, so I took it off. But well, the Germans are all really keen to strut around in sleeveless shirts and shorts...but they didn't get to spend a month in Singapore, so I guess they really crave the sun and heat.

Okay, gonna bake a cake soon...really looking forward to that! I haven't touched an oven in eons..and I miss banana cake!


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