Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Friday, April 08, 2005

I have been in kind of a bad state this week. PMS, ridiculous binge eating episodes and lots of being messed up in school. When I look back at it, maybe most of it isn't all that bad (except for the binge eating) after all. I am simply incapable of putting things into perspective when it's necessary, I guess.

Today, I went to look for Mr Hollingsworth to ask him about the GLC 4s, which I was supposed to be able to take. I went to look for him yesterday actually, but he decided to end his office hours just before I got to see him, i.e., I waited for more than an f-ing hour in vain! Today I went again and waited very long too. And he told me, "No...sorry, can't make an exception for you." I was steaming inside. It's like a completely different story from before the holidays. Now all my plans are messed up. Although I should be thrilled that I have more free time, I kinda feel like I am wasting my time this semester. But ok, since I have more time now, I decided to attend the lecture and tutorial for Intro to Diachronic Linguistics, which I don't actually need, but it's always good to know extra stuff, since I'm quite interested in linguistics. I also signed up for a beginner's course in Swedish. Why Swedish? Well, the only other language with free places was Chinese and I think they might have thrown me out of the beginner's course for like knowing too much...even though my Chinese does suck. But a refresher course in Chinese wouldn't be too bad really.

Well, I should try looking at it as a blessing in disguise, but at that point, I was just so pissed off. Telling me that I'm really good at English didn't exactly help me to feel better. Ended up going off to the supermarket to buy chocolate cos I needed something to give me an artificial high and make me feel happy...even if it's temporary. But I kinda regret it now. Too bad really, cos I also ate more chocs and grapes at my neighbours' place. I can't ever redeem myself man! Sigh. Whatever. Maybe once I get my life in order again, the cravings will go away.

Max has gone home for the weekend. He'll only be back on Wednesday. I suppose this means I can "happily" concentrate on my homework. Right. Haha. I suppose I should try. Have to finish writing my paper by Monday morning. I will...have to cram like siao, but I'll do it. No distractions hopefully. Only some shopping on Saturday..just for some household things.

Oh, nearly 11pm. Maybe should sleep early today and then wake up early to do homework . Wanna make sago dessert tomorrow. So have to go to the Asia shop. Actually, I just wanna use up my coconut milk that's left over from the Thai Green Curry that Max and I cooked today. Waste not, want not. Too bad he won't be here to try it.


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