Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Internet is driving me crazy. I am technically connected to the net...and using the ping command shows me that the connection is also very good. But since Friday night, I haven't been able to go into any sites and I can't connect to yahoo or MSN messenger. Or, some websites work partially. But you know, you can't do anything particularly useful with that. But now, while it's not completely back to normal, at least I can visit most sites..even if I have to refresh like a million times to get to it. Not my idea of a great way to spend a Sunday.

Something I discovered yesterday: fresh chilli tastes good on pizza...and corn too. Also, if you're not using beef, please season your minced meat before you put it on the pizza.

Ah...and I also discovered that people here walk around naked in swimming pool changing rooms. Hmm...well, I was a bit hesitant, but there weren't any changing cubicles anyway. So..when in Rome, do as the Romans do. It definitely took getting used to. For one, I'd never seen so many naked bodies in my life. And believe me, it's even weirder to see your friends naked than complete strangers. But ok, probably everyone's like more concerned about themselves than with you. So I didn't care that much either. Except that I forgot the corridor between the showers and the lockers was a common one. Hmm. And I forgot my towel. And some guy just so happened to walk out of the guys' showers at that time. Thank goodness I was still near enough to walk back to the showers. I hope I wasn't blushing. I put on my swimsuit and walked out again. Hmm...what an experience. But hey, it's probably just something I have to get used to, if I am going to go swimming every Friday.

Phew...this weekend has been TOO adventurous. Need a break!


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