Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Friday, July 14, 2006

Ok..I have officially spent 1 1/2 days slacking...and now I realise that I actually have a whole ton more of stuff to do than I realised initially. AND, I haven't even started reading the stuff I wanted to read. No Jürgen Klinsmann biography...yesterday, I went shopping with Mai. Didn't actually buy much...been trying not to buy so much also anyway. I got a Sweden was super cheap 4,95 euros...and the quality is great...BUT, where will I wear it to? For myself to see only lah. I also got pants for my mum, a tank top for myself and 2-3 other small things. Mai and I did try on quite a lot of stuff though...but either they were too ex or didn't fit. Mai and I don't like to lie when it comes to whether clothes look good on we never convince anyone to buy anything we don't think looks good on we didn't buy so many things. Good also lah. But I didn't find what I was looking for...or rather, it was 1 size too small. Oh wasn't very cheap also...I saw an Adidas jacket I was actually really cheap...but I didn't buy it...maybe if they still have it in my size tmr, I'll buy it.

Anyway, we got kinda tired, so we went home even without going into all the shops in Prager Str. I was so hungry by then that I just had to buy a favourite tomato and mozzarella! It had a lot of lettuce inside...actually very nice and fresh!

I didn't do anything last night, except look at bras on eBay...bras are expensive!...Went to sleep early because of swimming this morning. Didn't work very well again today, but I think some practice might do it...apparently, I have to breathe slightly differently. Think I need more out of water practice before I can do it in water. At least I didn't have classes today, so I could rest a bit...I ended up reading up on Copenhagen...and now I am so super excited to go. There are beaches you can reach with the S-Bahn!

Took a short nap before tennis...and didn't play very well today. Even resorted to wearing my specs cos I was missing quite a lot of the balls...partly due to not really being able to see them. Still think the coach is cute, even if he thinks I am a spoilt brat for not wanting to do all that stupid hitting the ball with your hand crap.

Okay, eyes are closing. Time to sleep!


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