Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Money problems again. Phone bill like astronomically high. Not 100% my fault. Han called me, but I forgot I had to pay too. Sigh. $107 for 50 minutes. Hmm, most expensive call I've ever received. Not that I should complain. Han probably has to pay as much. Dad says we are PLEITE...poor, broke, money is tight. Okay, not that bad...just that we are not in the LAGE to afford $107 phonecalls and repairs to my keyboard. Much less a new laptop. I don't need a new laptop lah, even though this one is 4 years old already. It still works quite okay, except for IE.

But I feel so verdammt schuldig. Although I don't splurge my money on stuff much anymore...I still feel like I am spending too much money for my finanziellen Zustand. Sorry I keep typing German words...I feel like I can't find the right English words to convey my thoughts. I mean it's not like it's so so bad until we have to sleep on the streets or whatever rubbish, but you know, "Geiz ist Geil!" sigh. So weird. I mean I don't have luxuries like a TV or a radio here. I don't eat out often, or go to parties. Yet I feel like I am wasting a lot of money somehow. I hate it...well, looks like I'll be going out less when I'm back in Singapore. Unless people wanna treat me? unlikely.

Ich habe heute schlechte Laune!


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