Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Saturday, May 08, 2004

What is it with spring and the whole world pairing up? Would you believe that my neighbours' boyfriends/girlfriends are practically living in their rooms with them now? One of my neighbours has to sleep over at another friend's place cos her roommate's boyfriend is perpetually spending the night.

In any case, I looked out my window today and saw what looked like puke on my window sill. Now where on earth did that come from? I mean how did it get there? Even if someone upstairs puked out his/her window, it wouldn't be possible, if you look at the angle. If it was a bird's puke, I'm really amazed at how much puke a bird can contain. I'm almost afraid to open the window and clean it up...but if I won't, who will? And what actually made me notice the puke was the fact that water came pouring down this morning...and it wasn't rain! Grossness man! Ultimate grossness!

Other than that, I got ditched...supposed to going to some furniture shop...not that I have anything to buy, but it'd be fun to look around. Anyway, they forgot me, so whatever lah...not like it's the first time such things have happened. Now I have more time for my homework and aimless surfing I guess...


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