Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Friday, May 06, 2005

I am so in a holiday mood these days. Yesterday was a holiday, next Thursday is a holiday and the whole of the week after is a holiday. And, considering I don't have classes on Fridays...haha! But it's bad because then I don't get anything done...just floating around!

Went to Max's place on Wednesday evening. Boy...I think it's really obvious if you're in a place that's only inhabited by Because there'll probably be dishes that have been sitting around for days...crumbs on the table and the overflowing rubbish bin and (I'm not sure if this is unique to Max's place) an empty toilet roll collection! Haha. Anyway, it wasn't so bad. I helped him to wash the dishes on Thursday morning...although I can't convince him to get rid of the toilet roll collection. We went grocery shopping. He's not a fruit and veg kinda person. Haha. Although we did buy some canned peaches. I was eating an apple yesterday and I asked him if he wanted one too...he said, "Oh, I ate an apple recently" right...who says they've eaten an apple recently?? He said, "Well, within the last 3 days or so". Haha, sounds like me when my mum is trying to convince me to go bathe.

Today, I'm going to Steffi's place and her father's going to teach me how to cycle. Finally, after 21 years of not knowing how to...I will stop being an embarrassment. Haha. Well, actually, NOT knowing how to cycle is a very good topic conversation...because no one believes it. And they'll ask you why...haha. But Max is convinced I should learn. He keeps asking me when I am going to Steffi's place to learn. Once, he repeated this "wish" like 4 or 5 times in a space of a few hours! So when I finally learn, I guess he will shut up. Well no...he'll probably nag me to buy a bicycle. Haha. Oh dear...this doesn't end, does it?

I'll stay over at Steffi's place, then I'll be back on Saturday. Hopefully not too late, so that I can still do my stuff.

Was supposed to go swimming this morning...but am I will have to go next week. It's probably not too hygienic anyway. But since I woke up at 5am, I figured that I may as well blog. :)


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