Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Monday, April 28, 2003

I can't believe it...I will be in Singapore by the end of this week! Time really can 3 months be over so quickly?

Friday was really boring. I even succumbed to playing Neopets! Haha...okay, I can't wait to go home and play freely without worrying that people are staring over my shoulder...even though I don't think anyone really does that...though when I was typing something about the different methods of hair removal, my colleague came over. Anyway, I didn't really get to say goodbye to Alex. He was relatively stressed and he even had an argument with Uwe. Then he was in a hurry to leave, so we didn't talk much also. Oh well...he did promise to email his photo to me so Sa'adia can have a look at him.

I went shopping on Saturday and bought a ton of clothes and things. I will have to buy chocolate to bring home today, so I can roughly figure out how my stuff will eventually fit into my luggage. I do not have much hope that everything will miraculously fit inside but at least most of the stuff will, I hope. Anyway, I have enough clothes to last me a lifetime...or at least quite long. Most of the stuff is more grown up than I am used to wearing cos of the office thing...but I'm happy with it.

Sunday was terrible in terms of the kept raining and stopping and raining and stopping. Everytime I thought it finally stopped raining, I had to "eat a broom" or as the English phrase goes, I had to eat my hat. It rained and stopped at least 6 times yesterday. I was so irritated that I refused to go out and spent the whole day watching TV, sleeping and eating. There was this once show that was really good though. It's called 'Genial Daneben' and this panel of comedians have to answer questions like 'What animal was banned in New York from sleeping in the bathtub'. It is so hilarious man!!! I mean there was one question like 'Why do you sit on the left side to drive (in Germany it is opposite from in Singapore) and one guy said 'Cos if you sat on the right, the steering wheel would be too far away!' My goodness, I laughed till I wanted to die...and there are a lot of other funny ones too. Unfortunately, I will not be able to watch any more episodes cos the next one is Saturday night and I am leaving on Sat afternoon. Sigh.


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