Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Hello Hello Hello! Sam's back! Finally I have gotten my Internet access, after almost a month of searching, waiting and rotting. For this I have to thank God and the nice computer guy. If he wasn't nice or helpful, I'd be dead, cos I've had to ask for his help A LOT!

Phew, it feels so good to be chatting with people online again. I don't feel so far away from home now! Well, even if the people I happen to be chatting to are mostly not in Singapore.

Well, it's good to be back. I've been online for 4 hours or so! Scary, but well, expected, since I haven't used internet properly for like 1 1/2 months!!

So much to say until I don't know what to say already...oh, except I have been really really really bored out of my wits and I thought about going home every single day, every single moment.

But today, things began to look up. I went to the post office this morning. Not the one near my hostel, but the one in town. I had to wait very very long for the tram cos one line was out of service. But just so happened that the timing was perfect, cos I bumped into my senior at the post office! After a fiasco with the stamp machine, we went on a mini tour of the town...nice to have a guide from the area show me around and tell me about the place. I got to see parts of the town I'd never ventured to before. It was really nice to have company on a Saturday (even if it was just for 2 hours), seeing that I've been spending so much time on my own.

Then when I got home, I got a letter from Ruth and a note saying I could pick up my package from home on Monday! Yay, winter clothes, cds and's wonderful, like getting a part of home...which is why I like letters a in handwritten ones. They let you get in touch with the person see the handwriting of a familiar person is like getting a part of them. So, I do treasure all the letters I receive...I read them over and over even.

Well, send me letter if you know my address kay? If you don't, just drop me a note, will tell you for sure.

Till next time. Ciao!