Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Kinda pissed. Typed in an entry last night but the com hanged and I had to restart. Oh what the...

Saw a $5 note from Singapore in the bank. Wonder who put it there. It sure wasn't me. I strangely do not have a single cent from Singapore with me...I gave it all to my mum when she flew back. Hmm, it was the uni branch of the bank. Maybe someone went on holiday to Singapore. There aren't any Singaporean students here, apart from me.

Arrgh, exams coming up. Super sian. Been trying to suppress the thought of it by sleeping. Sleeping every few hours...or rather, after I've been awake for an hour, I go back to sleep. Sigh. Then, I end up being super awake at night...which would be fine, except I have to be in school at 9.20 am, which means waking up at 8am latest. Not good man. Have to swear off naps man. The bed is super tempting.

Got so many things to revise before exams, but ugh. Other things to think about. Firstly, the weekend at Bacharach...but after I come back, it's full speed ahead and a really siao week at school. But what to do? Exams are exams. I'm only allowed to fail once. If I fail the second exam, I'll be out of TU Dresden before I can say "Auf wiedersehen!"

Hmm, should really be revising, shouldn't I?

Oh, sat next to this silly girl today. She complained for almost 90 min straight about how they use such complicated language in our textbooks, how it's all written for Germans etc etc. Erm. We are in Germany. They have to cater to the majority of the population, right? Her voice is that whiny whiny kind...which added to my distress. Okay, I know I complain a lot myself, but I sure hope I don't sound like her or create an effect like hers. *shudder*