Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Thursday, April 08, 2004

You will never guess what bad luck I've had. Well, it turns out that my neighbour decided not to lock his door and let me use the internet. Really nice of him...but it also meant that my door couldn't close properly. So anyway, I went out to cook dinner. I had my window open see...and one huge gust of wind blew the unit door shut. I never bring my keys out with me when I am cooking...and since I saw the light in room 1 was on, I thought if anything happened, that someone would open the door when I rang anyway. So the silly door slammed on me and after ringing for ages, I realised that it'd be ages before someone from my unit would come back. I got some people staying in my block to try and open the door, but apparently unit has a different key, although we can all use that key to open the main door, laundry room and gate to the rubbish bins. Weird. So anyway, I was stuck outside for ages, cos no one was home. 2 people were already on holiday. One guy said he'd be going away for Easter, another one was out till at night and the 2 girls in room 1 were nowhere to be found, despite the fact that their light was on. It was a terribly traumatic experience, since I had not a single thing on me...not a handphone, a watch or anything like that. The caretaker had also gone home for the day already. Everyone was rushing off to go home..and I was stuck facing an empty corridor. For at least 30 min to 1 hour. I was about to go insane. I couldn't even go out into the cold, cos I had no jacket on either. Really bad luck man! But good thing this guy from the M unit came out and realised my he let me go to his room and sit down...cos it was infinitely better than waiting in the corridor. I ended up staying there for almost 4 hours, because no one was back. Well, the Vietnamese girl from R1 came back, but she didn't have her key either...what a case of bad luck man. She went to her friend's place to see if she could find the key, but she hasn't come back yet, even now. So I basically stayed there till about 15-20 minutes ago. I was already preparing to resign myself to sleeping in the corridor or something, when some guy came visiting and I realised that one of my neighbours was back. Sigh, so thank God that ended my ordeal! I was getting really exhausted. It's mentally draining! But I had a good dinner though. That guy cooks better than I do. I am so gonna buy a strap to hang my keys around my neck all the time!

When one problem goes away, another will inevitably rush in to take its place..that is, if you are lucky. It could well be a ton of other problems trying to squeeze itself into that one gap left by the solved problem. Sigh.

Now while I have internet sometimes, I have to give it up every time my neighbour goes out, cos we had to bypass the room between us (cos the idiots always somehow get the cable disconnected every time they go away)..and the cable is too short, so he cannot close his door. Arrgh! Ah well, hopefully the people next door will get their act together and stop causing problems! But right now, I will just have to bear with the inconveniences...

Oh yeah, I have no Microsoft Office either

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I have internet again! Yay! It was some software problem, but thank God I managed to solve it by reinstalling the software for the LAN card. I can't live without the internet!

Well, I couldn't use ICQ2go on my friend's com...probably was the firewall or something...but it didn't work there.

Just a short update. I gotta go give tuition and settle some other stuff now...I'll update soon!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

hi. Life sux. I have no internet in my room. It wouldn't really be so bad, if not for the fact that internet is like my entire social life here...without it I am lonely and bored. I can still write emails in the school lib or computer pools, but it's not the same, cos I can't MSN or ICQ. That totally sux you know. I have no one to call or talk to here. I have no life, hear me?

The only reason I can type this is because I am in a friend's room. She's really kind to lend me her com, but she has no MSN or no use lah.

Oh well...gonna bring my com up here to test...ciao!