Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Monday, February 05, 2007

Too much reading between the lines!

It's scary how stuff you put on the Internet can be a risk to you and your potential job dad said I had to take the videos off because potential employers might not think it's as funny as I do. Well, I wasn't going to leave it there forever, and actually wanted to make it private...but then there are complications too. Ah well. I just feel bothered that every little thing you do has consquences...of course a potential employer could come across this site as well (if it were a high-level position and they were seriously considering me, maybe) complaint is really: Why do people read so much into things that to me have no special meaning? Maybe I am teflon-coated in this sense...I don't see anything people might find objectionable...although they'd probably find a million and one things wrong with what I do. WHY do people make things so complicated? And because no man is an island, we are all sucked into this network of relationships which tie us down. I'm not saying it's bad to have relatives/friends/employers/employees etc...but they make decision-making oh so complicated...because you have to consider X's feelings and Y's opinions etc. I hate that! Ok, maybe I am selfish and egoistic...but it's not my fault people read so much into my actions, which really have no complicated intentions behind them. Sigh. It's like literature. I never understood why people insisted on reading so much "between the lines" when maybe sometimes there IS NOTHING between the lines. Ugh. But then, there are things people/companies do which seem really altrustic...when in fact, there're hidden motives behind it. Well, I guess there's just no escaping all of this crap...will just never post (incriminating) videos online anymore...or photos...or anything else. Man, it just totally spoils my mood.