Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Just came back from Geylang. It was a very interesting experience. Like 98% of the people we saw there were guys and they were very openly staring at us, though none of the girls was dressed vaguely like a prostitute. My friend's theory is that they are trying to figure out whether we are prostitutes or not. My theory is that they simply stare at everyone who walks past. There was this one stretch where a whole bunch of guys were sitting...they all looked like a collection of lost people. It's strange to feel stared at, cos well, these people are so blatant about staring really. And I've never been stared at before.

Anyway, Sarah's observation was very funny. She asked, "If men don't like women to fake orgasms, why do they go to prostitutes, since these girls are most likely to fake it?" Well, I'm guessing that they are paying for their acting skills. The sad thing is, because they pay for the sex, some men think they can do anything to a prostitute.

I'm not saying all men are gross and evil..but there is something exploitative about prostitution. I can't absolve women from all guilt either, but it is kinda disturbing. And I wonder about prostitutes who have boyfriends or how do you come to terms with that? What about the men who force their wives or girlfriends into prostitution. Are they being inhumane? What on earth goes on in their heads? Do they really love the women or do they just see them as money making machines? What kind of man can accept that the woman they love is sleeping with so many other men while sleeping with him too? I mean technically, you could separate physical sex and making love...but I don't think I appreciate that this kind of physical intimacy can be shared with someone else.

As for the recent arrests over racist comments on blogs, I can't say if the punishment is justified or not..but the scary thing is that there really are people with such thoughts in Singapore. It's sad to know that only a semblance of racial harmony exists. People ask me if I've faced racial discrimination in Germany. Nope, no personal attacks...just a silly popcorn incident. But it's scary to know that people whom you know actually can be discriminatory towards people of other ethnic groups. People who you hold in high regard...or even respect as elders...and even your friends, whom you think should be educated and open enough to accept people who are "different"...these people can be those who harbour racial prejudices. Sometimes it's not just the words people use. Sometimes even the tone a person uses can betray their attitude. There's nothing I wish for more than a world without such prejudices. But they are always going to exist. Educated people can be racist formal education can fail on this account...but what can we do about it? I wish I could tell people to love each other and accept and embrace their differences. But how do we move closer to this utopia, where skin colour and religion don't matter? I resent seeing all this latent bigotry. Why can't we accept differences...and by that, I mean genuinely accepting these differences...not just pretending. Why can't we all be friends? I know I sound idealistic, but that doesn't stop me from thinking that all this discrimination is WRONG.

I am aching all over now. Went to Bukit Timah Hill with Lee Ting, her dad and 2 of her friends yesterday afternoon. Before that, I'd gone swimming and walked to Westmall. So actually, my legs were already kinda aching before I even went on the hike. It was a punishing hike, because first, I am super unfit and second, we were walking very very quickly...practically running at some parts. I realised how Lee Ting could tahan that walk up to Herkules when we were in Kassel. My family's not really into sports and fitness. Sure, my mum's been going for Pilates and Sherry has dance, Pilates and other stuff, but we've never ever been really into sport. Still, it felt good after the hike...except for the mosquito bites. I had so many! It seems like once a mosquito bites you...other mosquitoes see this as a warrant to attack you too. I must have at least 20 on my body right now. I had insect repellent on, but I think I sweated it all I got bitten anyway. But I got bitten at West Coast on Friday night too...ugh. Mosquito bites all over. Well, if there was no dengue scare, I wouldn't care so much...but...anyway, there was one part where the path seemed to be more of a stream than a path. I felt bad for my shoes...but thankfully, they were old.

Ok, I think I really need to catch up on my sleep. Been sleeping late and waking up at 6am the past 2 days. It can't go on like this...if not I'll die at work.