Life...and other afflictions

The rantings and uninteresting events of my life

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Yay! I am so happy! Going to Nürnberg tomorrow morning! SO Happy! Cannot do anything else but think of it.

That's a good thing actually. Didn't have such a super day. Got a 2.0 for my annotated bibliography. It's like a B I guess..but not so good. Sigh. Okay, I admit it was sorta sloppy work completed in 1 weekend, but I really didn't wanna spoil my 1+ record. Sigh. Okay, I am probably being ungrateful, but I hate doing badly in stuff I know I can get a good grade it. I mean like maths, if I get F9 or something, I'd know that's what I really deserve anyway.

But things got better as I got to the last 2 lessons of the day. Oh, I gave away my purple snowgirl card to my friend, Liesa, and she liked it. Then I got some presents from my other friend Elisabeth. She baked some cookies and brought a bit for me...then she gave me salt and pepper shakers (yes, weird gift) because someone gave them to her but she already has too many. I also got a 2004 planner, cos she had an extra. She's really nice! I only gave her a picture I coloured myself. So I reckon I'll get her something in Nürnberg.

Yay! I'll be seeing Ruth tmr! Okay, I've said it too many times. Shopping spree here I come! Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Forget what I said yesterday about the wonders of snow. It's not that nice after 1 day of sliding all over the place, in grave danger of falling down. I took 2-3 times as long to get to uni cos I had to walk ever so carefully. It was utter torture! Looks like I have to wake up earlier on Thursday too, cos I don't wanna be late for my first lesson. Arrgh. It takes so much effort to walk without falling that my calves are actually sore! Snow is nice to look at, if you're nice, comfy and warm at home...not if you're trying to keep your balance all the time!

I am having a sucky day. I want to forget what makes me feel this way, so I will not mention it...maybe it'll go away. No...I WILL MAKE it go away.

Can't wait to go to Nürnberg. Single-mindedly fixated on that. Nothing else.

Monday, December 15, 2003

second time online today...feel like an idler...why is it that I've spent the whole day so unproductively?? I hate myself for it. THough I do like slacking, I always feel guilty about it...and these 2-3 months have felt like a prolonged slack. I am so gonna pon Lit tmr. Do not wanna hear anymore about Salman Rushdie. One of my Lit lecturer's faves. Ugh. I wanna go to the Vodafone shop and ask if I can get another handphone for my partner card. Ruth needs it. They fed her some crap about not being able to use contract cards in prepaid phones. Oh? Really...well, it's a very unfair world. So I'll have to pop by tmr to check if I can get another phone. Perfect excuse to pon lit. Also, whenever I have something to ask, I can never wait long. I'm a silly, impatient old girl and if something can be done now, I won't be one to procrastinate...well, with exception of exercise and studying. I bet I'll be tortured, tormented by these thoughts for the whole night, till I can get to the Vodafone shop tomorrow morning. I have no idea when they open, but 10am should be safe enough. I hope I can get a phone for Ruth...if not I'll lend her my older phone for the 2 months till she gets back to Singapore and buys a new one...or send one of my family's old phones over...but I should hate to see 5 Euros a month wasted cos of a lack of a phone.
It's snowing it's snowing!! It's so totally gorgeous! I didn't think it would really snow today...went out this morning to get groceries and it just started snowing very very lightly. Thank God I was home when I started really snowing like less than 30 min the ground was all covered in snow! I opened the window and grabbed some off the window sill to play's so white and gorgeous! It may snow again tomorrow. I do hope so. It's positively gorgeous!

Other than that, I started reading "The World of Suzie Wong" by Richard Mason. It's quite a good story. I like it a lot...even if it says that Singapore is just like any other town. Humph. But that was about maybe.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Another boring Sunday, albeit with Internet. I've been reading Jane Austen's "Emma" and I'm beginning to see a pattern in her writing. It would be nice, like her heroines, to think of nothing but domestic affairs and trying not to fall in love with the guy you loathe or you never thought you'd fall in love with. No politics, no violence, no sex, no kinda book when I wanna escape from the harsh reality of the world. But, it doesn't quite go along with my feministic's nice, sarcastic and sue me for liking it! Her books are like romance novels of a higher literary standing.

Then I began to think of something else while I was bathing. Is it smarter to be the manipulator than the manipulated? If the manipulated knows that he is being manipulated, is he really any smarter? What if the manipulated knows that he's the one who has something to gain, greater than what the manipulator thinks to be the advantage of manipulation, and thus allows the manipulation. Does that make him the real manipulator of the situation? Any answers?

My heart is already set on Nürnberg...and try as I might, I can't dwell on anything but. I keep wondering what might've happened, had I chosen Erlangen-Nürnberg instead of Dresden. But the choice has been made. I like Dresden...but I would've liked to have known more people here than I do.

Guojun, you mean I've never sent you a Nürnberg postcard?? Or do you just want a Nürnberg chop on the letter? Ok, I vaguely remember sending you a postcard with Diddl in the bath...okay fine, I'll see what I can do.